November, 2022


3h 15m

The desert was fun to traverse thanks in no small part to the ability to slide down dunes.

Robot orgy scene was hectic and genuinely quite funny; unfortunately the same cannot be said for the subsequent boss fight. Didn't find them particularly challengingly but it did kind of drag (perhaps skill issue). Disne- I mean the "amusement park" area felt smaller than it should've but I suspect it'll open up more later.

The boss there was cool and I liked how the music synced up with the corresponding attacks. This fight definitely stressed the 'bullet hell' component of gameplay more.

One issue I've found with the constantly shifting perspective is that the camera doesn't always centre immediately which left me unable to see where the enemy was or incoming projectiles. On a related note, the game can be finicky when trying to interact with NPCs or objects in the environment while in a forced 2d perspective.

Completed a fair amount of side quests today: mostly standard affair, however the silliness of some of dialogue makes it worthwhile.